Birmingham Science Fiction Group


Contact us at [email protected]

Most of the meetings for this period were held at the Britannia Hotel. Regular meetings moved to the Old Joint Stock for October 2002 and January to  August 2003. The exceptions were, as always, the Christmas party, which now found a home at the Selly Park Tavern where it has been ever since, and the newly instituted Summer Social. The Summer Social idea had come from the failed Holiday Social meeting in 2002 after which it was decided to avoid clashing with people's summer holidays and just have a meal for a few people.

February Can you judge a book by its cover? Graham Higgins Fred Gambino
Cover Artist
Graham Joyce Andy Lound
Mars in fiction
March Graham Joyce
Peter Weston
John W Campbell and the Astounding days of SF
Joel Lane Christopher Priest Dominic Harman
Artist interviewed by Stan Nicholls
April Alastair Stewart
Revelation Space
John Clute
Anne Gay & Stan Nicholls Ben Jeapes Martin Sketchley
May Andy Salmon
From Kazahstan to the Stars
Debate "science gets in the way of good SF" Vernon Brown & Rog Peyton
A group history 60s & 70s
S F Movies - are there any good ones? Ian Watson
June John Jarrold
Earthlight Editor
Simon Clark
Birthday Party / Night of the Triffids launch
Juliet E McKenna Ian  MacLeod Tom Holt
July Andy Lound
Slideshow  history of space exploration
Chris Moore Mike Chinn Jasper Fforde Jack Cohen
August Brian Aldiss
75th Birthday
Discussion - "Is there a future in SF?" Holiday Social Jon Courtney Grimwood Summer social at the Black Eagle, Harborne
September Fantasycon 2000 - Special meeting David Pringle
Liz Holliday
Preview of 3SF magazine
Jonathan Tate Brian Talbot
October Quiz with Birmingham University SF Soc Mike Ashley
"Hugo Gernsback: The birth & death of S F"
Ian Edginton Peter Weston
Galaxy SF Magazine,
Stephen Hunt
David Howe
Dr Who 40th Anniversary
November Novacon 30 - Special Meeting "Ask The Experts" Quiz night   Peter Weston
My history in fandom
December Beer & Skittles at the Selly Park Tavern Christmas Party  at the Selly Park Tavern Christmas Social Christmas Social  at the Selly Park Tavern Christmas Social  at the Selly Park Tavern