The Birmingham Science Fiction Group was formed in 1971 by a group of local fans. Although intended as an opportunity for those interested to meet and discuss SF and to meet professionals in this and allied fields it was realised that a degree of organisation was necessary to provide a framework for the Group. The BSFG was therefore set up with a ‘formal’ constitution and membership and met regularly at a venue in the City centre. Over the years, the group has changed venues several times as managements change and venues close. We generally meet in one venue for the formal meetings of the year (currently Millennium Point) - click on Find Us for details - and other venues for the summer and Christmas social events. There will be occasional changes so read the details on the Home page.
Meetings usually start with a speaker: an author, artist, scientist or other SF or associated professional. This lasts for about an hour and is followed by the audience and speaker socialising. There is a small admission charge to help towards our overheads - click onto Home for current details.
Although many of our members live in the West Midlands we also have a number from other parts of the country, we even have some on the Continent and in the USA! Because the BSFG meets in the City Centre its easy to reach us by car, bus, train or Metro and, within limits, meeting on a Friday night means that there is more flexibility about getting home times than on other evenings, it also makes it easier for us to get speakers. Click onto Find Us for travel details.
In addition to its regular monthly meetings the BSFG produces a monthly Newsletter packed with SF orientated material, organises NOVACON, a national convention held annually in the Midlands (Click onto NOVACON), runs a Christmas Skittles Social every year and hosts an occasional night out for members.